QO Group

Tilman Esslinger
▾ Administration
▾ Engineering
▾ Lattice Team
▾ Cavity Team
▾ Lithium Team
▾ Impact Team

Marius Gächter

ETH Zürich
Institute for Quantum Electronics
Quantum Optics Group
Otto Stern Weg 1, HPF D23
8093 Zürich

Tel.: +41 44 633 7543

Email: gmarius@phys.ethz.ch

PhD student in the Lattice Team

Short CV

Since 11/2021: PhD student in Tilman Esslinger's group at ETH Zürich
02/2018-08/2018: Exchange Semester at HKUST in Hong Kong
09/2016-09/2021: Bachelor & Master studies in physics at ETH Zürich
08/2010-08/2014: Apprenticeship as Software Developer


1 Interaction-induced charge pumping in a topological many-body system
Konrad Viebahn; Anne-Sophie Walter; Eric Bertok; Zijie Zhu; Marius Gächter; Armando A. Aligia; Fabian Heidrich-Meisner; Tilman Esslinger
Arxiv preprint 2308.03756 (2023)
ArXiv: 🔗 link
2 Reversal of quantised Hall drifts at non-interacting and interacting topological boundaries
Zijie Zhu; Marius Gächter; Anne-Sophie Walter; Konrad Viebahn; Tilman Esslinger
Arxiv preprint 2301.03583 (2023)
ArXiv: 🔗 link
Science (open access link): 🔗 link


Streamlining a Cold-Atom Experiment
Cavity Lab of the Quantum Optics Group, ETH Zurich, 2021

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