Quantum Optics Group Online Library

PhD Thesis

1 Superradiant phases and dynamics in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
Finger, Fabian
PhD thesis (2024)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
2 Universal particle and entropy transport in strongly interacting Fermi gases far from equilibrium
Mohan, Jeffrey
PhD thesis (2024)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
3 Self-Organization of Ultracold Atoms in Repulsive Lattices: On Dissipation, Topology, and Subradiance
Baumgärtner, Alexander
PhD thesis (2024)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
4 Entropy and Particle Transport in Quantum Gases Manipulated with Near-Resonant Light
Fabritius, Philipp
PhD thesis (2023)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
5 Exploring Dissipative and Coherent Spin Dynamics with Superradiant Quantum Gases
Rosa-Medina Pimentel, Rodrigo Felipe
PhD thesis (2023)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
6 Floquet engineering and interacting topological matter in optical lattices
Walter, Anne-Sophie
PhD thesis (2023)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
7 Floquet engineering of ultracold atoms in optical lattices
Sandholzer, Kilian
PhD thesis (2022)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
8 Floquet engineering with two harmonic frequencies using cold atoms in optical lattices
Minguzzi Aranis, Joaquin Nicolas
PhD thesis (2022)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
9 Emergent structures and dynamics in a quantum gas with cavity-mediated long-range interactions
Li, Xiangliang
PhD thesis (2021)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
10 Mesoscopic heat and particle transport in ultracold Fermi gases
Häusler, Samuel
PhD thesis (2020)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
11 Real-Time Feedback and Cavity-Mediated Spin Interactions in a Quantum Gas
Kröger, Katrin
PhD thesis (2020)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
12 Tuning Cavity-Mediated Long-Range Interactions – On Phase Transitions, Symmetries, and Competing Orders
Zupancic, Philip
PhD thesis (2020)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
13 Exploring and Floquet-Engineering the Driven Fermi-Hubbard Model with Ultracold Atoms
Görg, Frederik
PhD thesis (2019)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
14 Microscopic control and mesoscopic transport in quantum gases
Lebrat, Martin
PhD thesis (2019)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
15 Interaction- and dissipation-induced phenomena in a quantum gas coupled to a cavity
Dogra, Nishant
PhD thesis (2019)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
16 Intertwined Order with Ultracold Bosons in Optical Cavities
Morales, Andrea
PhD thesis (2018)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
17 Mesoscopic transport phenomena in a unitary Fermi gas
Husmann, Dominik
PhD thesis (2018)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
18 Quantum Simulation of the Haldane and Fermi-Hubbard Models in Static and Driven Optical Lattices
Messer, Michael
PhD thesis (2018)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
19 Metastability and Quench Dynamics in a Long-Range Interacting Hubbard Model
Hruby, Lorenz
PhD thesis (2018)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
20 A Supersolid of Matter and Light
Léonard, Julian
PhD thesis (2017)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
21 Quantum phases emerging from competing short- and long-range interactions in an optical lattice
Landig, Renate
PhD thesis (2016)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
22 Probing Topological Floquet-Bands and Quantum Magnetism with Ultracold Fermions
Jotzu, Gregor
PhD thesis (2015)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
23 Quantum Transport of Ultracold Atoms
Krinner, Sebastian J.
PhD thesis (2015)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
24 Mesoscopic conduction in ultracold Fermi gases
Stadler, David
PhD thesis (2014)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
25 Roton-type mode softening in a dissipative quantum many-body system with cavity-mediated long-range interactions
Mottl, Rafael
PhD thesis (2014)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
26 Engineering artificial graphene with an ultracold Fermi gas
Uehlinger, Thomas
PhD thesis (2014)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
27 Quantum magnetism with ultracold fermions in an optical lattice
Greif, Daniel Günther
PhD thesis (2013)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
28 Fluctuations and correlations in ultracold Fermi gases
Meineke, Jan Jakob
PhD thesis (2012)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
29 Experimental Realization of The Dicke Quantum Phase Transition
Kristian, Baumann
PhD thesis (2011)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
30 Microscopic probing and manipulation of ultracold fermions
Müller, Torben
PhD thesis (2011)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
31 Microscopy of ultra-cold fermionic lithium
Zimmermann, Bruno
PhD thesis (2010)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
32 Exploring the Hubbard Model With Ultracold Fermionic Atoms in an Optical Lattice
Strohmaier, Niels Ingo
PhD thesis (2010)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
33 Metallic and Mott-Insulating Phases in Fermionic Quantum Gases
Jördens, Robert
PhD thesis (2010)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
34 Collective interaction between a Bose-Einstein condensate and a coherent few-photon field
Brennecke, Claudius F.
PhD thesis (2009)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
35 Critical behavior of a trapped interacting Bose gas
Donner, Tobias Ulrik
PhD thesis (2008)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
36 Interacting Fermi gases and Bose-Fermi mixtures in optical lattices
Günter, Kenneth
PhD thesis (2007)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
37 Probing Coherence During Bose-Einstein Condensation
Ritter, Stephan
PhD thesis (2007)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
38 Correlations and Counting Statistics of an Atom Laser
Öttl, Anton W.
PhD thesis (2006)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
39 One-dimensional atomic gases
Moritz, Henning
PhD thesis (2006)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
40 Exploring atomic quantum gases in optical lattices
Stöferle, Thilo
PhD thesis (2005)
ETHZ research collection: 🔗 link
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